Health & Safety Learning Series: Preventing Mental Injury at Work, Violence Prevention in the Workplace, Ergonomics

November 25, 2017 – November 26, 2017 all-day
University of Waterloo - Federation Hall
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON

UofWaterloo Parking Map


Saturday’s course runs 9am to 4pm; Sunday’s course runs 9am to 12Noon. There is a $5.00 parking fee for on-site parking. A light lunch on Saturday will be provided.


Preventing Mental Injury at Work

New forms of work, job insecurity, work intensification, high demands, violence and a resulting poor work-life balance are resulting in psychosocial and mental health problems in CUPE workplaces. This module focuses on the workplace as the cause of mental health issues, and not the individual. Discuss strategies and actions that actually help make workplaces psychologically healthier and safer.

Violence Prevention in the Workplace

This module examines the risk factors that lead to violence in the workplace, and the employer’s obligations to prevent workers from being exposed to and injured by violence while at work. We examine relevant health and safety law, and start to develop strategies to make our workplaces safer.


This module looks at the musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace, such as strains or carpal tunnel syndrome, the risk factors and the employers’ obligations to prevent these types of injuries.